are the road network segments. Each segment have his general azimuth. COUNT(*) = 3.849.834
CREATE TABLE vzla_seg (`azimuth` int);
INSERT INTO vzla_seg (`azimuth`)
(330), (335),
(340), (345),
(350), (355),
(359), (3),
(5), (15),
(20), (25),
(30), (35)
Im trying to find segments on the same general direction (+/- 30 degrees) as my parameter carAzimuth
range is [0 ..359]
for compass degrees. So if carAzimuth = 345
is on the same direction as a road segments with azimuth [315, 325, 359, 0, 5, 15]
carAzimuth = 355
segmentAzimuth = 340 --> (355 - 340) --> 15 < 30
segmentAzimuth = 359 --> (355 - 359) --> abs(- 4) < 30
segmentAzimuth = 20 --> (355 - 20) --> 25 < 30
carAzimuth = 5
segmentAzimuth = 340 --> (5 - 340) --> abs(- 335) > 330
segmentAzimuth = 359 --> (5 - 359) --> abs(- 354) > 330
segmentAzimuth = 20 --> (5 - 20) --> abs( -15) < 30
explain analyze
FROM map.vzla_seg S
abs(carAzimuth - S.azimuth) < 30
OR abs(carAzimuth - S.azimuth) > 330
CREATE INDEX vzla_seg_azimuth_idx
ON map.vzla_seg
USING btree
Explain Plan:
"Seq Scan on vzla_seg s (cost=0.00..151243.55 rows=2138790 width=84)
(actual time=0.061..14086.038 rows=690334 loops=1)"
" Filter: ((abs((345 - azimuth)) < 30) OR (abs((345 - azimuth)) > 330))"
" Rows Removed by Filter: 3159500"
"Total runtime: 14283.524 ms"
Bonus question:
Rows Removed by Filter: 3.159.500
and rows=690.334
that match total COUNT(*) = 3.849.834
?You can use BETWEEN
and/ or greater than/less than:
FROM map.vzla_seg S
(S.azimuth BETWEEN (carAzimuth - 30) AND (carAzimuth + 30))
OR S.azimuth < (carAzimuth - 330)
OR S.azimuth > (carAzimuth + 330)