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Call a native android app from ionic app

I’m developing an app that will be called by an android native app. I also have to call them. For doing this I found this plugin.

They will call my app (and expect me to call theirs) following this code:

String packageName = “”;
Intent intent = getPackageManager().getLaunchIntentForPackage(packageName);
if (intent == null) {
   // The app is not installed
   intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW);
   intent.setData(Uri.parse(“market://details?id=” + packageName));
intent.putExtra(“param”, “aaaaa”);

I don’t get if the plugin will work to open my app when they do this (and their app will open also).

I look for a way of using intends in ionic but I found nothing.



  • Maybe it will help someone how I resolved it.

    To open another android app I use the com.lampa.startapp. The code for doing it it's:

    var sApp = startApp.set({
        "package": "packageName" //The packageName of the app I want to open
    }, {
        //extras I want to add
        "myParams" : "aaaaa"

    To work with intents (the ones that open my app) I use the cordova-plugin-intent with the following code:

    //To get the intent and extras when the app it's open for the first time
    window.plugins.intent.getCordovaIntent (function (intent) {
    //To get the intent and extras if the app is running in the background
    window.plugins.intent.setNewIntentHandler (function (intent) {
    //To handle the params
    var intenthandler = function (intent) {
          if (intent && intent.extras && intent.extras.myParams) {
            //Do something

    That's all!