I'm trying to figure out in what order PriorityQueue.get() returns values in Python. First I thought that the smaller priority values get returned first but after few examples it's not like that. This is the example that I have run:
>>> qe = PriorityQueue()
>>> qe.put("Br", 0)
>>> qe.put("Sh", 0.54743812441605)
>>> qe.put("Gl", 1.1008112004388)
>>> qe.get()
>>> qe.get()
>>> qe.get()
Why is it returning values in this order?
According to doc, the first parameter is priority, and second - is value. So that's why you get such result.
A typical pattern for entries is a tuple in the form: (priority_number, data).
So you should pass a tuple to put like this:
>>> q = PriorityQueue()
>>> q.put((10,'ten'))
>>> q.put((1,'one'))
>>> q.put((5,'five'))
>>> q.get()
>>> (1, 'one')
>>> q.get()
>>> (5, 'five')
>>> q.get()
>>> (10, 'ten')
Notice additional braces.