I'm neither good nor experienced about asking questions so i hope I'm not doing it wrong. ( Also pardon my English as it's not my native language) But here is one thing still bothering me even after a few night of googling ;
Someone asked me about a project on Windows Mobile but as a newbie .Net developer and cell-phone illiterate person ; I have doubts about its possibility. I searched a lot , but still can't be sure about it ; and unfortunately i don't have much time left to turn back and answer ; so i had to ask if this scenario is possible. ( it's not a business thing by the way , my old teacher from university asked as a favor , so no money involved. just saying.)
Now we have a Device A and a WinMo Phone in close distance and a server far away. The main idea is to transfer some data from Device A to Phone , view and maybe process the data and then send all those to the server far away.
View&Process data and send the data over 3G or something , should be easy. I'm pretty certain about that. My problem is connecting Device A and phone. They said , they were planing a cable connection between devices ( shame on me i have no idea about that kind of connections ) but they may also use wireless if they can attach 802.11 to Device A. I haven't asked them yet but bluetooth may be another choice.
So ;
1) Is it possible to connect the phone to Device A via a cable and get data. Frankly i have no idea how cable connections works on phones. I searched about it but all i can find is "Connecting to Computer" stuff.
2) Is it possible to connect over wireless ( 802.11 / Tcp )? I do searched about this ; and it can be done as far as i know ; but i also heard there a some limitation in WinMo in different matters ( ie. packet capturing ) , so not quite sure now. It's a compact framework after all , may not be as flexible/strong as normal one.
Bluetooth should be no problem , i haven't really searched about it but i have little doubt about it.
Any kind of article , documentation etc is extremely welcome. Normally I love reading documentation and doing my own searches but unfortunately in this situation i don't even have a starting point ( and time ) for it. Once i knew it's possible and it's not a task beyond my level ; i'll have lots of time to read/search/develop.
Ah by the way , i have the luxury to choose the phone ( WinMo 5 or 6 or maybe even 7 ) and the language ( C# ) i prefer.
Thanks for your time and answers in advance.
I would start by evaluating the Microsoft Sync Framework 2.1.