I'm having trouble customizing the title slide in a react.js presentation created with org-mode and org-reveal. I've tried following the information here and by referring to this question on the subject here. However, I'm unable to achieve any changes. Here is my test presentation:
#+Title: Hello, world!
#+Author: First Last
#+Email: myemaill@server.com
#+REVEAL_ROOT: file:///Users/username/Documents/reveal.js
* H1
This should make the title slide only show the title. However, no amount of changes/variations I do have any effect. If I manually set org-reveal-title-slide
to anything but its default 'auto
then I lose the title slide completely.
I found an iteration of what I was trying that works:
#+OPTIONS: reveal_title_slide:"<h1>%t</h1>"
with no space after the :
I cannot get the alternative setting of REVEAL_TITLE_SLIDE_TEMPLATE
to work.