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jQuery UI selectable event is not triggered on draggable

I implemented jQuery UI draggable and selectable. When I have two component with initialized both of it and I select one of them, if I click to the other component without mouse release and start dragging it then the "ui-selected" class is removed from the other component but it did not enter in any event of selectable.

I need a method or event where enters after the action I described above.


Selectable: {
        init: function(el) {
                filter: '.existing-component', 
                selecting: function (event, ui) {
                stop: function(event, ui) {
                start: function(event, ui) {
            // manually trigger the "select" of clicked elements
            $(el).find('.existing-component').click( function(e){


Draggable: {
        init: function(el, options) {

            $(el).draggable(options, {
                scroll: false,
                snap: '.gridlines',
                snapTolerance: $('.grid').attr('data-size') / 2,
//              revert: "invalid",
                preventCollision : true,
                preventProtrusion : false,
                collisionVisualDebug : false,

                drag: function(event, ui) {


  • I find my method, on action described above enters in the Draggable.start event and the previous component is still selected.