I'm trying to build a 3 step signup flow, i.e. spread out across 3 screens/templates, but using the same route. I'm using Blaze & FlowRouter btw.
What is a simple pattern to achieve this?
Any ideas to lead me in the right direction appreciated, thanks!
I've accomplished this pattern using dynamic templates and a reactive var.
Little example code to get you started
<template name="signupContainer">
{{> Template.dynamic template=template}}
<template name="signupStepOne">
<h1>Step One</h1>
<button id="next-step-btn">Next Step</button>
<template name="signupStepTwo">
<h1>Step Two</h1>
Template.signupContainer.onCreated(function () {
var instance = this;
instance.activeTemplate = new ReactiveVar('signupStepOne');
'click #next-step-btn': function (event, instance) {
template: function () {
var instance = Template.instance();
return instance.activeTemplate.get();