After placing order for a storage in softlayer, I need to get that storage id for a particular order id.The api call i am using, is giving me a list of storage ID. But, if user orders for a storage, only one storage id the user should get right. So, the api is not properly filtering and not getting a particularly storage id for a particular order id . The rest api, i am using is given below and please tell me what should be the proper filtering , "https://[username]:[apikey]{"networkStorage": {"billingItem": {"nasType": { "operation": "ISCSI"}, "orderItem": {"order": {"id":{"operation":"[orderID]"}}}}}} "
This api is provided by softlayer team
Regards, Debartha
use this request:
GET[billingItem[orderItem[order]]]&objectFilter={"iscsiNetworkStorage": {"billingItem": { "orderItem": {"order": {"id":{"operation":5208963}}}}}}
note: replace 5208963, with your orderID
Basically all the devices must have a billingItem and that billingItem should have property, so you can use this filter to get any device using the orderID property, you just to need to make sure that the "iscsiNetworkStorage" value, in the filter, has the same name as the method you are calling (in this case getIscsiNetworkStorage method ), but without the pre-fix "get" and it must start with lower case e.g.
getIscsiNetworkStorage -> iscsiNetworkStorage