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StreamReader to Read Range of lines

Lets say I have a File and want to read the lines, it is:

   while( !streamReader.EndOfStream ) {
        var line = streamReader.ReadLine( );

How do I read only a range of lines? Like readlines from 10 to 20 only.


  • I suggest using Linq without any reader:

      var lines = File
        .Skip(10)  // skip first 10 lines 
        .Take(10); // take next 20 - 10 == 10 lines
      foreach(string line in lines) {

    In case you have to use the reader, you can implement something like this

       // read top 20 lines...
       for (int i = 0; i < 20 && !streamReader.EndOfStream; ++i) {
         var line = streamReader.ReadLine();
         if (i < 10) // ...and skip first 10 of them
         //TODO: put relevant code here