Search code examples

SQL default values in many-to-many relationship

I have the following many-to-many relationship:

user        task           user_task

id| name    id| name       u_id| t_id
---------   -----------    ----------
1 | john    1 | default    1   | 2
2 | anna    2 | task2

Now I want to assign the default task to all users who are not assigned to a task.

I got the following query that finds all users with no task:

SELECT, ut.t_id FROM user u LEFT JOIN user_task ut ON ( = ut.u_id) LEFT JOIN task t ON (ut.t_id = WHERE ut.t_id is null;

And this query gives me the id of the default task:

SELECT id FROM task WHERE name='default';

But how can I combine them to insert the default task into the user_task table? The result should be:

user        task           user_task

id| name    id| name       u_id| t_id
---------   -----------    ----------
1 | john    1 | default    1   | 2
2 | anna    2 | task2      2   | 1


  • You can try this INSERT .. SELECT and cross join to the default row in task table and then filter only users that doesn't appear is user_task :

    INSERT INTO user_task
    FROM user u
    CROSS JOIN task t
    LEFT JOIN user_task ut
     ON(ut.u_id =
    WHERE = 'default'
      AND ut.u_id is null