I am currently using matplotlib.pyplot
to visualize some 2D data:
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
A=np.matrix("1 2 1;3 0 3;1 2 0") # 3x3 matrix with 2D data
plt.imshow(A, interpolation="nearest") # draws one square per matrix entry
Now i moved the data from squares to rectangles, meaning i have two additional arrays, for example:
grid_x = np.array([0.0, 1.0, 4.0, 5.0]) # points on the x-axis
grid_x = np.array([0.0, 2.5, 4.0, 5.0]) # points on the y-axis
now i want a grid with rectangles:
(grid_x[i], grid_y[j])
(grid_x[i+1], grid_y[j+1])
What is an easy way to plot the data on the new grid? imshow
seems to to be usable, i looked at pcolormesh
but its confusing with the grid as 2D array, using two matrices like np.mgrid[0:5:0.5,0:5:0.5]
for the regular grid and building something similiar for the irregular one.
What is an easy way for visualization of the rectangles?
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.patches import Rectangle
import matplotlib.cm as cm
from matplotlib.collections import PatchCollection
import numpy as np
A = np.matrix("1 2 1;3 0 3;1 2 0;4 1 2") # 4x3 matrix with 2D data
grid_x0 = np.array([0.0, 1.0, 4.0, 6.7])
grid_y0 = np.array([0.0, 2.5, 4.0, 7.8, 12.4])
grid_x1, grid_y1 = np.meshgrid(grid_x0, grid_y0)
grid_x2 = grid_x1[:-1, :-1].flat
grid_y2 = grid_y1[:-1, :-1].flat
widths = np.tile(np.diff(grid_x0)[np.newaxis], (len(grid_y0)-1, 1)).flat
heights = np.tile(np.diff(grid_y0)[np.newaxis].T, (1, len(grid_x0)-1)).flat
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
ptchs = []
for x0, y0, w, h in zip(grid_x2, grid_y2, widths, heights):
(x0, y0), w, h,
p = PatchCollection(ptchs, cmap=cm.viridis, alpha=0.4)
plt.xlim([0, 8])
plt.ylim([0, 13])
Here is another way, using image and R-tree and imshow
with colorbar
, you need to change the x-ticks
and y-ticks
(There are alot of SO Q&A about how to do it).
from rtree import index
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
eps = 1e-3
A = np.matrix("1 2 1;3 0 3;1 2 0;4 1 2") # 4x3 matrix with 2D data
grid_x0 = np.array([0.0, 1.0, 4.0, 6.7])
grid_y0 = np.array([0.0, 2.5, 4.0, 7.8, 12.4])
grid_x1, grid_y1 = np.meshgrid(grid_x0, grid_y0)
grid_x2 = grid_x1[:-1, :-1].flat
grid_y2 = grid_y1[:-1, :-1].flat
grid_x3 = grid_x1[1:, 1:].flat
grid_y3 = grid_y1[1:, 1:].flat
fig = plt.figure()
rows = 100
cols = 200
im = np.zeros((rows, cols), dtype=np.int8)
grid_j = np.linspace(grid_x0[0], grid_x0[-1], cols)
grid_i = np.linspace(grid_y0[0], grid_y0[-1], rows)
j, i = np.meshgrid(grid_j, grid_i)
i = i.flat
j = j.flat
idx = index.Index()
for m, (x0, y0, x1, y1) in enumerate(zip(grid_x2, grid_y2, grid_x3, grid_y3)):
idx.insert(m, (x0, y0, x1, y1))
for k, (i0, j0) in enumerate(zip(i, j)):
ind = next(idx.intersection((j0-eps, i0-eps, j0+eps, i0+eps)))
im[np.unravel_index(k, im.shape)] = A[np.unravel_index(ind, A.shape)]