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I dont understand apache access log file

there are a apache log file example. But I didn't understand which one is status code, and other strings in the response: - - [07/Mar/2004:16:05:49 -0800] "GET /twiki/bin/edit/Main/Double_bounce_sender?topicparent=Main.ConfigurationVariables HTTP/1.1" 401 12846

Can you help me understand? Thank you.


  • Piece by piece these are the meanings: => Client IP adress

    -- => The second hyphen is the userID (hyphen means the document that you wnt to get is not protected with password)

    [07/Mar/2004:16:05:49 -0800] => Timestamp of the request

    "GET /twiki/bin/edit/Main/Double_bounce_sender?topicparent=Main.ConfigurationVariables => This is the resource that you wanted to retrieve

    HTTP/1.1" => Protocol used

    401 => Status code (this means unathorized)

    12846 => Size of the object to be returned