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How to add test result outcome (failed/passed ) to a test inside a test run in tfs / mtm

I've created a test run with test points, is there a way to mark failed/ passed on one of the test inside the test run using the Api?

public ITestRun createRun(ITestPlan tfsPlan, IEnumerable<ITestPoint> points)
            ITestRun run = tfsPlan.CreateTestRun(true);
            foreach (ITestPoint tp in points)
                run.AddTestPoint(tp, null);
            ITestCaseResult result = run.QueryResults()[0];
            result.Outcome = TestOutcome.Failed;               
            return run;

this is my method but it's not work. Thank you helping me :-)


  • For .net api, you may check this case: How to create a test run and result using the Team Foundation Server API?

    Instead of .net api, you can consider using REST API:

    POST https://{instance}/DefaultCollection/{project}/_apis/test/runs/{run}/results?api-version={version}
    Content-Type: application/json
      "index": {int},
      "testCaseTitle": { string },
      "testCase": {
        "id": { int }
      "configuration": {
        "id": { int },
        "name": {string }
      "testPoint": {
        "id": { int }
      "state": {
        enum { Pending, Queued, InProgress, Paused, Completed }
      "computerName": { string },
      "resolutionState": { string },
      "testCasePriority": { string },
      "failureType": { string },
      "automatedTestName": { string },
      "automatedTestStorage": { string },
      "automatedTestType": { string },
      "automatedTestTypeId": { string },
      "automatedTestId": { string },
      "area": {
        "name": {string}
      "owner": {
       "DisplayName": {string}
      "runBy": {
       "DisplayName": {string}
      "outcome": {
            enum { None, Passed, Failed, Inconclusive, Timeout, Aborted, Blocked, NotExecuted, Warning, Error, NotApplicable, Paused, InProgress}
      "errorMessage": { string },
      "comment": { string },
      "startedDate": { DateTime },
      "completedDate": { DateTime },
      "durationInMs": { long },
      "associatedWorkItems": [ 
        { int } 