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C# call Generic method dynamically

Given the following Interfaces:

interface IEntity
    int Id{get;}

interface IPerson : IEntity
    string Name{get;} 
    int Age{get;}

interface ITeacher : IPerson 
    string StaffId{get;}

interface IStudent : IPerson 
    string StudentId{get;}
    string Courses{get;}

interface IRepository
    T Get<T>(int id) where T : IEntity

I have the following classes in my namespace

public class EntityBase() : IEntity
    int Id{get;set;}
public class Teacher : EntityBase, ITeacher{}
public class Sudent : EntityBase, IStudent{}

Currently I am implementing this IRepository as follows:

class Repository: IRepository
    IDataContext Context{get;set;}

    T Get<T>(int id) where T : EntityBase
        if(typeof(T) == typeof(Teacher))
            return Context.Get<ITeacher>(id);
        if(typeof(T) == typeof(Sudent))
            return Context.Get<ISudent>(id);
        throw new Exception("Unknown Interface " + typeof(T).Name);

Is there a betterway of implementing this? Given that our Context has no knowledge of our data types (Teacher, Student), just its interfaces (ITeacher, IStudent).

Can something like this work?

class Repository: IRepository
    T Get<T>(int id) where T : EntityBase
        var MyInterface = FindInterface<T>();
        return Context.Get<MyInterface>(id);


  • I think this will do:

    class Repository: IRepository
        IDataContext Context{get;set;}
        T Get<T>(int id) where T : EntityBase    
            string[] interfaceList = new string[] 
                { "ITeacher", "IStudent"};
            Type interfaceType = null;
            foreach (string s in interfaceList)
                var types = typeof(T).FindInterfaces((x, y) => x.Name == y.ToString(), s);
                if (types.Length > 0)
                    interfaceType = types[0];
            if (interfaceType == null)
                throw new Exception("Unknown Interface " + typeof(T).Name);
            MethodInfo method = typeof(Context).GetMethod("Get");
            MethodInfo generic = method.MakeGenericMethod(interfaceType);
            var returnValue = generic.Invoke(Context, new object[] { id });
            return (T)Convert.ChangeType(returnValue, typeof(T));

    EDIT: As I don't know the name of your namespace, I have used the Name property to filter the interfaces. In real world usage I will suggest that you use FullName just to be sure, like this:

    string[] interfaceList = new string[] 
                    { "MyNamespace.ITeacher", "MyNamespace.IStudent"};
    var types = typeof(T).FindInterfaces((x, y) => x.FullName == y.ToString(), s);