I'll provide more background information first. The question is asked again in the last bullet of "My Thoughts & Questions" section.
If you are going to reproduce an RDBMS using files you are in for a lot and I mean a lot of grief and hard work. Even the simplest RDBMS like sqlite has thousands of man hours of work invested on it. If you were to bring your files into django or any other framework you would need to write a custom backend for it.
Create django models backed by an RDBMS and import the files into it. Alternatively since this data appears to be mostly in Key Value pairs, you might be able to use Mongodb or redis.
You can use inotify to monitor the file system to detect when a new file has been created by the batch processing system. When that happens you can invoke a django CLI script to process that file and import it's data into the database.
The rest of it is a straight forward django app.