Did you find any comfortable workflow where you use file navigation with FASD or fzf and VIM. I have a problem with getting recent files open in VIM because FASD do not catch them. I'm looking for some tips.
FASD workflow:
put the following line in your ~/.zshrc
alias v='f -t -e vim -b viminfo
Then you can type in terminal
v myP<TAB>
to make it tab-complete the recent files of vim
v myProject
FZF workflow:
Put the following script in ~/.zshrc
ctrlp() {
local selected
if selected=$(find . -type f | grep -v .git | grep -v node_modules | fzf -q "$LBUFFER"); then
zle redisplay
# option-g to find files and put the result in command
zle -N ctrlp
bindkey "\eg" ctrlp
Use <option>-g
for windows) to open fzf
and select a file. The selected file path will be put in the terminal. Then add vim
before the path to open it in vim
. More examples can be found at fzf wiki.
Since fasd
doesn't support neovim, I made a similar tool for it. Please check it out: https://github.com/haifengkao/nfasd