this is my fist post on stackoverflow. :)
I'm trying to solve this scenario with GetOpt::Long.
./myscript -m /abc -m /bcd -t nfs -m /ecd -t nfs ...
-m is mount point and -t is type of file system (can be placed, but it is not mandatory).
GetOptions('m:s@' => \$mount, 'mountpoint:s@' => \$mount,
't:s@' => \$fstype, 'fstype:s@' => \$fstype)
This is not right, i'm not able pair proper mount and fstype
./ -m /abc -m /bcd -t nfs -m /ecd -t nfs
$VAR1 = [
$VAR1 = [
I need fill unspecified fstype e.g. with "undef" value. the best solution for me would be get hash such as...
$opts{'abc'} => 'undef'
$opts{'bcd'} => 'nfs'
$opts{'ecd'} => 'nfs'
Is it possible? Thank you.
This won't be easy to do with Getopt::Long
directly, but if you can change the argument structure a bit, such as to
./ --disk /abc --disk /mno=nfs -d /xyz=nfs
...the following will get you to where you want to be (note that a missing type will appear as the empty string, not undef
use warnings;
use strict;
use Data::Dumper;
use Getopt::Long;
my %disks;
'd|disk:s' => \%disks, # this allows both -d and --disk to work
print Dumper \%disks;
$VAR1 = {
'/abc' => '',
'/mno' => 'nfs',
'/xyz' => 'nfs'