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Create Groups in O365

Currently i am working on an App which will create groups in Office 365 programatically. I am wondering if this is possible using JavaScript. I also had another question regarding the Authentication and Authorization process. I am able to register the App and fetch the Authorization code. However when i try to fetch the Access token, it throws an error stating that it encountered a bad request. My Authorization URL is of the form:

And my access token request url is:

If anyone could help me regarding my doubts, then it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.


  • Microsoft Graph from JavaScript

    Using Microsoft Graph from JavaScript works. HTTP requests to the REST endpoints with a valid access token will work great. You might also want to check out KurveJS (github:MicrosoftDX/kurvejs) for a simple library (handles authentication and some graph operations).


    If you are attempting client-side implicit flow, you can pass 'response_type=id_token+token' and avoid the second call. This will return you an access token in the resulting payload.

    If you are attempting server-side authentication, you should pass 'response_type=code' and then make the second call for the access token with the resulting code.


    v2.0 Protocols - SPAs using the implicit flow

    v2.0 Protocols - OAuth 2.0 Authorization Code Flow