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Slow behaviour of angular-ui-select's drop down list when big list of items in Modal

I use angular-ui-select with a list of ~1500 items in bootstrap modal window.

There is a delay of 2 seconds for every action the user does. I tried to improve performance by by using 'minimum-input-length', but the filter does not work.

Plunkr example:

MY Html:

<ui-select multiple sortable="true" ng-model="vm.selected" theme="select2" style="width: 100%;">
              <ui-select-match placeholder="Select...">{{ $ }}</ui-select-match>
              <ui-select-choices repeat="item in vm.items | filter: $" minimum-input-length="2">
                <div ng-bind-html=" | highlight: $"></div>
  1. Does anyone know how to improve performance?
  2. How to apply Minimum characters filter?



  • I solved that using a LimitTo, checking the search length:

    limitTo: ($ <= 2) ? 0 : undefined"

    the complete code:

      repeat="item in ctrl.items | filter: $ | limitTo: ($ <= 2) ? 0 : undefined">