Is there a way to do this, or is it even possible to view all users (members of a JIRA board) on the actual application? My workaround for this right now is to query for all issues grab the creators and assignees throw them into a list if they're not already in it. I'd like a more efficient way of doing this, but also this workaround isn't going to work for what I need. Our project has multiple boards, there's one board I'm concerned with and it consists of 10 or so members, the project itself has about 50 members. I know I could query and filter results based on a list, but I'm working on making this applicable across all teams. So is there a way to get a list of users on a board instead of project?
JIRA Software provides a REST API resource to retrieve all issues of a board: GET /rest/agile/1.0/board/{boardId}/issue
Once you have that list you still have to run over all the issues and retrieve the details of each issue, e.g. by using GET /rest/api/2/issue/{issueIdOrKey}. That way you can collect the users that you need.
This still requires some scripting, but should be easy to make this generic so you can support any board.