I have a script which runs on my server every time and event happens. This randomly has stopped working on the 1st/2nd July. I have checked the Analytics change history and the last change was April.
The code has not changed and i'm not getting any errors from the request.
data = {
'v': '1',
't': 'event',
'tid': 'UA-XXXXXX-X',
'cid': '11111111.2222222',
'ec': 'ccccc',
'ea': 'aaaaa',
'el': 'lllll',
'ev': 50
response = requests.post('http://www.google-analytics.com/collect', data=data)
This returns no errors and has a status code of 200, but just does not show up anymore in analytics. I also tried the measure hit builder tool with the same params and it sent 2 hits successfully.
How can I debug this?
Try and send your request to
This will help you debug the problem. The request you are sending appears to be valid.