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How to get and set Windows Explorer view settings

I'm trying to make a script cycle views in Windows Explorer (Windows 7 libraries don't allow remembering view settings per folder).

I found postMessage with the WM_COMMAND message (code 0x111), but can't seem to use it to affect the Explorer view. Nothing happens when I send:

PostMessage,0x111,0x702c,0,,ahk_id %parent%

where %parent% is the handle of the window. Examples on the forums are for Windows XP, which seems to work differently. How to get and set the view setting?


  • Found a UDF for AutoIt that works for me. It's called automating windows explorer. The code below I wrote based on the forum example, it shows a working example of getting the view and changing it by incrementing the existing state.

    Since it is for Windows 7 I skip the thumbnail and thumbstrip views--I think those are for Vista. The content view is not supported by Vista either.

    I googled the Windows Constants names and values. I found the correct view sizes by experimenting/looking at my own results.

    #include "Includes\AutomatingWindowsExplorer.au3"
    ;Icon sizes are standard: 16, 48, 96, 196
    ;Details & list: 16
    ;Tiles: 48
    ;Content: 32 (!)
    ;~ FVM_ICON        = 1,  (48, 96, 196)
    ;~ FVM_SMALLICON   = 2,  (16)
    ;~ FVM_LIST        = 3,
    ;~ FVM_DETAILS     = 4,
    ;~ FVM_THUMBNAIL   = 5,  (seems to be same as ICON in win7)
    ;~ FVM_TILE        = 6,
    ;~ FVM_THUMBSTRIP  = 7,  (seems to be same as ICON in win7)
    ;~ FVM_CONTENT     = 8,
    Opt( "MustDeclareVars", 1 )
    Func Example()
      ; Windows Explorer on Vista, 7, 8
      Local $hExplorer = WinGetHandle( "[REGEXPCLASS:^(Cabinet|Explore)WClass$]" )
      If Not $hExplorer Then
        MsgBox( 0, "Automating Windows Explorer", "Could not find Windows Explorer. Terminating." )
      ; Get an IShellBrowser interface
      GetIShellBrowser( $hExplorer )
      If Not IsObj( $oIShellBrowser ) Then
        MsgBox( 0, "Automating Windows Explorer", "Could not get an IShellBrowser interface. Terminating." )
      ; Get other interfaces
      ; Get current icon view
      Local $view = GetIconView() ;returns array [view,size]
      ; Determine the new view
      Local $iView, $iSize, $iNewView, $iNewSize
      $iView = $view[0] ; Icon view
      $iSize = $view[1] ; Icon size
      If $iView = 8 Then
           $iNewView = 1
           $iNewSize = 48
          $iNewView = $iView + 1
          If $iNewView = 5 Or 7 Then
            $iNewView += 1 ;skip from 5 to 6, or from 7 to 8
      Switch $iNewView
      Case 2 To 4
        $iNewSize = 16
      Case 6
        $iNewSize = 48
      Case 8
        $iNewSize = 32
      ;MsgBox( 0, "NewView", $iNewView )
      SetIconView( $iNewView, $iNewSize ) ; Set details view
      Sleep( 1000 )                     ; Wait
      SetIconView( $iView, $iSize )     ; Restore old view