Does GWT has LazyPanel .I can not see it .Please let me know .If it got lazyPanel ,please lemme know version
I agree with rustyshelf on the principle of Google search, but since StackOverflow is also a reference in itself, here is a more detailed answer:
By default, the LazyPanel is not displayed. Only when setVisible(true) is called on the LazyPanel is the underlying widget created.
This class primarily should be used in conjunction with StackPanel, DisclosurePanel, and TabPanel when the child panels contain relatively heavy weight contents.
Using LazyPanel to wrap the creation of those contents can significantly improve user experience.
Using the LazyPanel is simple. All you need to do is add the widget that you want to lazily load in the lazy panel, and then call setVisible(true) on the lazy panel to actually have the widget load on demand. It's worth mentioning that the LazyPanel is mainly intended for use with widgets like the TabPanel and the StackPanel, and is not ideal in all cases.