I am trying to run through the following tutorial on Bluemix: https://www.ibm.com/watson/developercloud/doc/retrieve-rank/get_start.shtml
However, I am not able to install Python locally onto my system due to security policies. Is there a way I can run this tutorial through hosting my code in IBM DevOps Services using the Python runtime on Bluemix?
I am not sure if the Bluemix Python runtime can be leveraged like a natively installed Python and accept the command line instructions from:
Stage 4: Create and train the ranker.
Any feedback would be greatly appreciated!
An alternative to the manual Python and curl commands in that tutorial is to use the web interface.
I've written about it in some detail on my blog which also includes a video walkthrough of how the web tool works. (You can also find the official documentation on ibm.com).
But to sum up, it'd mean you could do everything through a web browser and not have to install or run anything locally - including training a ranker.
There is a small wrinkle in this plan right now, unfortunately. The Solr schema used in the Python/curl tutorial you've followed isn't compatible with the web tool, but we're working on that. This means that if you use the web tool, you'll need to start again with a new cluster and collection. But this means that you could start again using your own documents, content and training questions, instead of having to use the cranfield test data - so hopefully this is a good thing!