Search code examples

AngularJS - Accessing the controller of a third party directive

I'm trying to use the Search-Filter from the UI Framework LumX in what I admit is not traditional use.

The intended way the filter works is you press the magnifying glass button, it opens; calls method openInput on the controller. The mouseout click closes it.

However I wish to extend this by opening and closing the input upon clicking on the toolbar__label span but my Angular knowledge is just not up to par yet.

My HTML looks like

<div class="toolbar" opensearch>
  <span class="toolbar__label fs-title ml black__text" >{{ "" | translate }}</span>
  <div class="toolbar__right">
    <lx-search-filter lx-width="400" lx-closed="true" >
      <input type="text" ng-model="vm.searchFilter.third">
    <button class="btn btn--l btn--black btn--icon" lx-ripple>
      <i class="mdi mdi-apps"></i>

If you open the github link, the ng-click of the directive itself is


My question is how can I access this lxSearchFilter controller from outside of the lx-search-filter directive?

I added my own directive opensearch and using the good old jquery way of things I can get it to work like:

link: function(scope, element) {
  element.bind('click', function(e) {
    var btn = angular.element('button')[0];
    if (!isOpen) {
        isOpen = true;
      return false;

This does work with two caveats:

1. After a single open/close action I cannot reopen it
2. It's not the Angular way??

So again my question is how can I access this lxSearchFilter controller from outside of the lx-search-filter directive?


  • You can access the controller/link function of 3rd party directives by using decorator

    You can use .decorator like .controller and put the code of $provide.decorator in the example inside it.

    Edit: The way is to use decorator to extend it to support programatically open/close the search,js,output

    Note that changing $delegate[0].scope only works when you have angular > 1.5.1 due to a bug