I am using Instagram API, user can login with their account and i can use their access token for all endpoints. Once the user logged in, in browser session exist. How to give option for user to switch between Instagram accounts.
login -> 1 account -> switch account -> because of previous session it's again login with same account without confirmation.
What is the solution for this?
You have logout from instagram. Opening URL "https://instagram.com/accounts/logout/"
will log user out of instagram.
You have to do this before you give this option to login again
One way I did it on https://www.picodash.com was to open a hidden iframe
with this URL and it will logout, (jquery code)
$('#content').append('<div style="display:none"><iframe src="https://instagram.com/accounts/logout/" width="0" height="0"></iframe></div>');
So when give the option to add second account, run the above code before you allow the user to click login button