I'm trying to load a serries of files that are dics and then load arrays from within dics to my QTreeView and then be able to edit these dics. I have a problem when it comes to connecting signal as it connects all buttons to 1 data - last created one. If I load 20 arrays from 1 dict I should be able to click on each array and print its name. Right now it just prints last added name.
Here is the code:
def add_data(self):
for subdir, dirs, files in os.walk(self.dat_folder):
for file_inx, file_name in enumerate(files):
''' loading file '''
''' creating data'''
if len(data[1]) >0:
#file_inx = file_inx + 1 # not sure if I need this tbd.
job = QStandardItem(project_name)
self.model.setItem(file_inx, 1, QStandardItem(project_time_day+" "+project_time_time))
for inx, layers in enumerate(data[1]):
child1 = QStandardItem(layers["Name"])
child2 = QStandardItem("Push Button or Combobox or QCheckBox")
job.insertRow(inx,[child1, child2])
b.clicked.connect(lambda: self.printData(child1.text(),layers["Name"]))
a = self.model.index(file_inx, 0) #find parent
i = a.child(inx,7) # find parented location
self.tv_job_list.setIndexWidget(i,b) # replace child2 with QPushButton - b
def printData(self,value,name):
print value,name
Here is how the QTreeView looks like, each job can have hundreds of job_names and there can be hundreds of Job_01 etc etc... Its a big list :- ) 1 file on HDD creates 1 parent that create child jobs.
Parent > JOB_01
Child > Job_Name | Job_Submit_Date | QComboBox | QPushButton | QCheckBox
Child > Job_Name | Job_Submit_Date | QComboBox | QPushButton | QCheckBox
Child > Job_Name | Job_Submit_Date | QComboBox | QPushButton | QCheckBox
Child > Job_Name | Job_Submit_Date | QComboBox | QPushButton | QCheckBox
... x 1000 Childs...
Parent > JOB_01
Child > Job_Name | Job_Submit_Date | QComboBox | QPushButton | QCheckBox
Child > Job_Name | Job_Submit_Date | QComboBox | QPushButton | QCheckBox
Child > Job_Name | Job_Submit_Date | QComboBox | QPushButton | QCheckBox
Child > Job_Name | Job_Submit_Date | QComboBox | QPushButton | QCheckBox
Child > Job_Name | Job_Submit_Date | QComboBox | QPushButton | QCheckBox
Child > Job_Name | Job_Submit_Date | QComboBox | QPushButton | QCheckBox
... x 1000 Childs...
Use partial :
b = QPushButton(str(inx))