My problem is that on KeyDown, there is almost a second of delay until all the queue of events starts being processed, see the video demo here. Secondly, parallel keys are NOT processed, I can either go W, S or some other, but not both at the same time.
I already tried running Render() async and using ProcessUntiLQuit
, changing the way I read input, etc...
I am currently using ProcessAllIfPresent
in a classic Run(while not closed)
In my IFrameworkView instance application, thwe following is my KeyDown handler:
void OnKeyDown(CoreWindow^ wnd, KeyEventArgs^ args) {
for(int i = 0; i < g_MainApplication->InputMap().size(); ++i) {
if(g_MainApplication->InputMap()[i] == args->VirtualKey) {
There are only K mapped keys in total, so it runs on constant time. This sets all the flags and pass it to the application, which simply calls the "UpdatePosition" method modifying values directly:
void MyApp::ProcessKeyboard(INPUT_MAP key, double delta) {
delta *= g_SpeedModifier;
switch(key) {
g_SelectedEntity->Translate(DIRECTION::WORLD_FORWARD, static_cast<float>(delta));
... // more of the same code here.
The application is rendering at 60 FPS.
Thanks for your help.
I just tried
... in a continuous loop. It works great.