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Debugging PLV8 in PostgreSQL

Some time ago I asked for disadvantages of using PLV8 within PostgreSQL Functions and Triggers. In the meantime I use a mixed szenario with plpgSQL and love it. But - as mentioned - debugging has less options with PLV8. So far I understand the plugin_debugger works only with plpgSQL. Is there anybody outside who found a nice way to do PLV8 debugging in another way then using masses of annoying plv8.elog(NOTICE, 'this happens with my variable')? Maybe any third party tool or secret plugin?


  • Remote debugging is no longer supported in pl/v8.

    It was available in pl/v8 up to version 1.4.x (see #131). Notable missing features in older releases include ES6.


    If you need to debug ES6/7 code using pl/v8 1.4.x you could transpile it using Traceur.

    From the documentation for 1.4.x:

    PL/v8 supports v8 remote debugger. You need to enable it at the compile time to pass ENABLE_DEBUGGER_SUPPORT to make. make static will automatically turns it on. If enabled, and once PL/v8 module is loaded (and the execution engine is initialized, PL/v8 accepts a remote debugger connection. If you have d8 from v8 package, run with --remote-debug --debug-port=35432 to attach the functions. If you want to change the remote debugger port, there is a GUC plv8.debugger_port to set the port number. You can also try debugger statement inside functions to set a breakpoint. For more details of v8 remote debugger, see v8 documentation.

    If you're not familiar with debugging JavaScript (or v8) that might be a bit much to handle.

    If you're interested in the low-level features of the debugging protocol, check this out.

    To step through code might be some leg work, but here is a starting point for how that would be done.

    If you were looking for a complete off-the-shelf solution or step-by-step tutorial I'm not sure that there is one specific to PL/v8.

    I haven't personally tried any of these to debug PL/v8, however, it's possible one may connect and more or less work as expected: