In Matlab, it is possible to create a legend for a plot. Now I do not want the information in the legend box, but directly next to the line as follows:
(This is only an example)
For the vertical lines, I did the following:
v1 = vline(14.7,'k')
How do I add information next to the two vertical lines (just like 14.7s and 18.6s) as in the figure?
Use text
function, e.g.
v1 = vline([14.7, 18.6], 'k');
set(v1, 'Color', 'black', 'LineStyle', '--', 'LineWidth', 1);
text(14.8, 0.87,'\leftarrow 14.7 s');
text(18.7, 0.9,'\leftarrow 18.6 s');