Assume I have two classes A
and B
and B
derives A
Class A:
class A
virtual const unsigned char* getArray()
return array;
unsigned char array[250];
Class B:
class B : public A
virtual unsigned char* getArray()
return array;
Can I create a class C that will do this?
class C
const unsigned char* getArrayMiddle(A &a)
return (a.getArray() + 125);
unsigned char* getArrayMiddle(B &b)
return (b.getArray() + 125);
With this simple example, I am trying to know if I can create two methods in the class C
, one of them returning a const pointer if required by the type of the object it receives.
Will the compiler automatically call the right method in C
depending on the type of the parameter, even if B
derives A
To clarify, if I have
A* obj = new B();
C c;
which function will be called? Could it create unexpected situations?
Will the compiler automatically call the right method in
depending on the type of the parameter, even ifB
The compiler will interpret a method call as being to either of the two methods depending on the static (compile-time) type of argument expression. Whether you consider this to be the right method is determined, I suppose, by which one you want to be called.
If the static type of the argument is B &
then the second variant (returning unsigned char *
) will be called. If it is not a B &
but is an A &
then the first variant (returning const unsigned char *
) will be called.
The precise rules determining which overloaded method is called in which circumstances are quite complex, but in general, a more specific suitable candidate is usually preferred. In this case B &
is more specific than A &
, so it will be called if indeed the argument is a B &
, even though it is in that case trivially convertible to an A &
due to the inheritance hierarchy.
However, it is worth noting that (as per comment from cpplearner) your code as posted should not compile. B
should not be able to override getArray
with a version which drops the const
qualifier. G++ 5.4 diagnoses this as an error. You could instead not have one method override the other: drop the virtual
specifier, or give them different names, or mark the function in A
as a const
function (so the function in B
doesn't actually override it).