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FastReport.Mono fails to export reports to PDF due to fonts issues

I'm trying FastReport.Mono on Linux (CentOS 7) to see if I can make an app to generate reports from FastReport files. Example FastReport.Mono app seems to work, however there are problems with PDF export demo. I get the error message on attempt to export:

Could not find file "/root/.local/share/FastReport/font.list". File name: '/root/.local/share/FastReport/font.list'

The path /root/.local/share/FastReport/ exists, but there's indeed no requested file inside.

I have installed truetype fonts mentioned in FastReport.Mono readme (they went into usr\share\fonts\msttcore), it did not change anything.

Creating an empty font.list file brought this error message:

Enumeration has either not started or has already finished.

How do I resolve this problem and make PDF export work?


  • Could not find file "/root/.local/share/FastReport/font.list". File name: '/root/.local/share/FastReport/font.list'

    BTW, you are working as root - this is not good for security. Anyway, you have to check following directory: "/usr/share/fonts/truetype". Does it exist and TrueType fonts are there? If not, then you can define shell variable FONTDIR with following command:

    $ export FONTDIR="/path/to/truetype/fonts"

    At the time of first export to PDF format the FastReport.Mono check fonts in this directory and build font.list file. If font.list file present in "$HOME/.local/share/FastReport/" directory, then software checks that information in this file is an actual.

    How do I resolve this problem and make PDF export work?

    These issues should be fixes in next build.