I have a table with 4 columns of user information. Each table has the following columns:
Username | Full_Name | Job_Name | Current_Job_Allowed
Table 1 includes all users and the Job_Name which they have permissions to view. This means that there are multiple lines of the same username in Table 1 with different Job_Name values.
Table 2 contains a list of all possible users.
Username |Full_Name
amunoz |Andrew Munoz
csmith |Carl Smith
cwatkins |Cat Watkins
ggriffiths |Garmin Griffiths
jcarr |Jason Carr
jhothi |Jark Hothi
jphillips |Jim Phillips
lbradfield |Lisa Bradfield
ntaylor |Noria Taylor
rfelipe |Ralf Felipe
Query 1 contains all users specified by a query parameter which I specify, i.e. 'KML_20160531'.
I would like to now select a DISTINCT list of all users which have a different Job_Name from the parameter I specify for Job_Name. For example Table 1 contains:
Username|Full_Name |Job_Name |Current_Job_Allowed
amunoz |Andrew Munoz|KML_20160531|1
jcarr |Jason Carr |KML_20160531|1
rfelipe |Ralf Felipe |KML_20140531|1
amunoz |Andrew Munoz|KML_20160431|1
I would then like to return the below when I enter 20160531 for Job_Name. This will return all possible new users for the Job_Name value I entered.
Username |Full_Name
csmith |Carl Smith
cwatkins |Cat Watkins
ggriffiths |Garmin Griffiths
jhothi |Jark Hothi
jphillips |Jim Phillips
lbradfield |Lisa Bradfield
ntaylor |Noria Taylor
rfelipe |Ralf Felipe
This parameter query will show you which users have a Table 1
row with Job_Name
matching the parameter value:
PARAMETERS which_job Text ( 255 );
SELECT t1.[Username], t1.Job_Name
FROM [Table 1] AS t1
WHERE t1.Job_Name=[which_job];
So you can use that as a subquery, left join Table 2
to the subquery, and select the rows where the "right side" is Null:
PARAMETERS which_job Text ( 255 );
SELECT t2.[Username]
[Table 2] AS t2
SELECT t1.[Username]
FROM [Table 1] AS t1
WHERE t1.Job_Name=[which_job]
) AS sub
ON t2.[Username] = sub.[Username]
WHERE sub.[Username] Is Null;
Assuming that query returns the correct rows, add the other field you want to see to SELECT t2.[Username]
You should not need DISTINCT
unless Table 2
allows duplicate Username
values, or Table 1
allows more than one row with the same combination of Username
and Job_Name