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Using matlab to add contacts to outlook

I have an .xls file containing a large amount of emails, which i want to add to outlook via matlab. Processing the .xls file is no problem.

I found it is possible to send mails via matlab using h = actxserver('outlook.Application'and i figured i might be able to use this for my purpose. I'm however completely unfamiliar with the ActiveX/COM interface, and how to use it.

I tried to use get(h) but that did not give me any useful information.

Two questions. Specifically 1) how can i use Matlab to add contacts.

And secondly, more general, how would i be able to find out what i can do with 'h' in this case? I see people using h.Subject or h.To How would i be able to find out the possible things (like Subject or To) i can do with h?


  • To add a contact you need to create a ContactItem object through the ActiveX control:

    h = actxserver('outlook.Application');
    newContact = h.CreateItem('olContactItem');
    newContact.FirstName = 'John';
    newContact.LastName = 'Smith';
    newContact.Email1Address = '[email protected]';
    % newContact.Display;  % To check your work
    h.release;  % Close the ActiveX interface

    See the ContactItem properties page for a list of other fields you can modify.

    For the general question, it just takes some poking around in Outlook's Object Model Reference