I created a VBA code for text analysis, but I encountered a problem at run time. I just found on Google an advice on using excel built in function, but it did not improve the run time.
Here is the problem for which I use VBA. I've got a list of ~30k cells containing text (one or two sentences on average) and a list of 1k keywords, all of them having a numeric score. For every of the 30k cells, I want to see which of the keywords the cell contains, and calculate the sum of the scores of the keywords found.
Here is my way of approaching the problem in a nutshell right now :
Loop on the 30k text cells
Loop on the keywords
Check if the keyword is in the text cell, if yes, add the score of the keyword
I also tried using the search built in function :
Loop on the keywords
Search the keywords on the entire sheet containing the 30k text cells
When the keyword is found, add the score on the corresponding cell.
There was no significant change in run time.
Below you can find my code for the first approach:
'Loop on all the 30k text cells
For i = 2 To last_textcell
'loop on the number of different category of scores, setting intial scores to zero.
For k = 1 To nb_score - 1
Score(k) = 0
Next k
j = 2
'loop on the 1k keywords
Do While j < last_keywords
!search if the keyword is in the text cell
If UCase(Sheets("DATA").Range("V" & i).Value) Like "*" & UCase(Sheets("Keywords").Range("A" & j).Value) & "*" Then
'if the keyword is found, add the score of the keyword to the previous score
For l = 1 To nb_score - 1
Score(l) = Score(l) + Sheets("Keywords").Range("B" & j).Offset(0, l - 1).Value
Next l
End If
j = j + 1
'paste the score
For k = 1 To nb_categ - 1
Sheets("DATA").Range("CO" & i).Offset(0, k - 1).Value = Score(k)
Next k
Next i
Do you have any tips on how to improve the performance?
Thank you very much!
I'd suggest two optimizations:
Load both the lists of sentences, and keywords, into memory before running the test. This means that you only request data from the sheet once, rather than for every iteration of the test.
Use the InStr
function with vbTextCompare
to find an instance of a keyword.
Here's the sample code - I left stubs for you to re-insert your scoring function code:
Option Explicit
Sub QuickTest()
Dim wsKeywords As Worksheet
Dim wsData As Worksheet
Dim lngLastRow As Long
Dim varKeywords As Variant
Dim varData As Variant
Dim lngSentenceCounter As Long
Dim lngKeywordCounter As Long
Set wsKeywords = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Keywords")
Set wsData = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("DATA")
'get list of keywords in memory
lngLastRow = wsKeywords.Cells(wsKeywords.Rows.Count, "B").End(xlUp).Row
varKeywords = wsKeywords.Range("B2:B" & lngLastRow).Value
'get data in memory
lngLastRow = wsData.Cells(wsData.Rows.Count, "V").End(xlUp).Row
varData = wsData.Range("V2:V" & lngLastRow).Value
'your scoring setup code goes here
'iterate data
For lngSentenceCounter = 1 To UBound(varData, 1)
'iterate keywords
For lngKeywordCounter = 1 To UBound(varKeywords, 1)
If InStr(1, varData(lngSentenceCounter, 1), varKeywords(lngKeywordCounter, 1), vbTextCompare) > 0 Then
'you have a hit!
'do something with the score
End If
Next lngKeywordCounter
Next lngSentenceCounter
'your scoring output code goes here
End Sub