How can I check with php with preg_match()
if string has specific structure. For example string is:
I want to check if string starts with string followed by :
followed by n-numbers of strings separated by ;
And something which is important - string may be in Cyrillic, not only latin letters
Assuming only the restrictions listed in your question are needed, this will validate the string:
$number = 3;
$regex = sprintf('/^[^:]+:(?:[^;]+;){%d}$/', $number);
if (preg_match($regex, $string)) {
echo "It matches!";
} else {
echo "It doesn't match!";
Here's an example of it in action, using php -a
php > $number = 3;
php > $regex = sprintf('/^[^:]+:(?:[^;]+;){%d}$/', $number);
php > if (preg_match($regex, 'options:blue;white;yellow;')) {
php { echo "It matches!";
php { } else {
php { echo "It doesn't match!";
php { }
It matches!
php > if (preg_match($regex, 'options:blue;white;yellow;green;')) {
php { echo "It matches!";
php { } else {
php { echo "It doesn't match!";
php { }
It doesn't match!
You can visualize this regex here. Let's break it down:
/.../ Start and end of the pattern.
^ Start of the string.
[^:]+ At least one character that is not a ':'.
: A literal ':'.
(?:[^;]+;){N} Exactly N occurrences of:
[^;]+ At least one character that is not a ';'.
; A literal ';'.
$ End of the string.