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Is it possible to get output of pydot graph without intermediate file?

I have a very simple graph that I want to plot as svg. For example:

graph { 
        a -- b; 
        b -- c; 

I am currently using pydot to read the file and then generate the svg file as follows:

import pydot
graphs = pydot.graph_from_dot_file('')
graphs[0].write_svg('graph.svg') # there is only 1 graph so the 0 index.

However, I need to do this without the need of intermediate files and graph.svg. I have the code content of in a string, corresponding to which I need the svg output in string.

I need something like:

graph_dot = "... ..." # string, I have this
graph_svg = convert_dot_to_svg(graph_dot) 
# i need something like convert_dot_to_svg()

My question is not limited to pydot only. If anyone knows a web api using which I can do this, then also it will do.

Thanks a Lot, in advance.


  • After spending some more time looking at the available methods on pydot object and graph object, it could be figured out:

    The following code works:

    import pydot    
    dot_string = """graph { 
                        a -- b; 
                        b -- c; 
                    } """
    graphs = pydot.graph_from_dot_data( dot_string )
    svg_string = graphs[0].create_svg()