I've a problem with Smarty 3 foreach loop and gettext translations. In my controller i intercept the variables from a MySQL database and then i create an array:
array_categories[] = array(
'name_cat_it' => $name_cat_it,
'name_cat_en' => $name_cat_en,
$smarty->assign('array_cat', $array_categories);
{foreach name=categorie key=key item=value from=$array_cat}
Till now everything is ok, but i would like to do something like this:
{foreach name=categorie key=key item=value from=$array_cat}
$lang can be 'it' o 'en'. Is this possible inside a foreach loop? Outside the loop i have no problem doing this for the meta title or the meta description.
Thanks a lot!
Yes, you can use a temporal variable to compose the name:
{foreach name=categorie key=key item=value from=$array_cat}