My rpmbuild is supposed to happen in /include
, /lib
, and /share
, I have specified this in the spec file. But when in the BUILDROOT directory, it is creating in /usr/local/include
, /usr/local/lib
, /usr/local/share
instead. And then is throwing an error (obviously) because I am looking for the files in the previous location.
Why would this happen? Nowhere am I specifying /usr/local, then why does it take this location?
This is my .spec
%define __spec_install_post %{nil}
%define debug_package %{nil}
%define __os_install_post %{_dbpath}/brp-compress
Summary: test
Name: TEST
Version: 1.0
Release: 1
License: MYORG
Group: Development/Tools
SOURCE0 : %{name}.tar.gz
%define pbs_prefix /opt/dir1/TEST
BuildRoot: %{_topdir}/%{name}
%setup -q
./configure --with-prefix=/opt/dir1/TEST --with-drms-dir=/opt/dir1
rm -rf %{buildroot}
mkdir -p %{buildroot}
rm -rf %{buildroot}
My ~/.rpmmacros
file is:-
%_topdir %(echo $HOME)/rpmbuild
%_tmppath %{_topdir}/tmp
I want to build so that my TEST-1.0-1x86_64/
has /include
, /lib
and /share
not /usr/local/..
The --prefix
option sets your path. Not --with-prefix