I am attempting to create a little program that will calculate the area of a shape. When ever I put in the name of the shape it prints out "function at 0xetc". I am having a heck of a time figure out where the issue is. I know that my area
function is probably messed up but I can't get there to debug it. I initial thought that I had defined functions with the same names as the shapes, it was calling them from the input but I change the names and I get the same message. here is the code:
#geometry program
def squar(x, y):
result = x * y
return result
def rectangl(x, y):
result = x * y
return result
def circl(r):
result = 3.14 * (r^2)
return result
def triangl(h, b):
result = (h^b * b)/2
return result
s = raw_input("Shapes are square, rectangle, circle or triangle. Pick a shape and I will calculate its area. ")
#Calculating the area
def area(s):
if str(s) == "square":
x = int(raw_input("Height? "))
y = int(raw_input("Width?" ))
squar(x, y)
return squar
elif str(s) == "rectangle":
x = int(raw_input("Height? "))
y = int(raw_input("Width?" ))
return rectrangl
elif str(s) == "circle":
r = int(raw_input("Radius?" ))
return circl
elif str(s) == "triangle":
h = int(raw_input("Height?" ))
b = int(raw_input("Base Width?" ))
triangl(h, b)
return triangl
print "I don't know that one"
print area
thanks ps. If the indenting looks a bit off by a space or two it is because of the formatting here. they aren't throwing up any error when I run the program.
You have in total 6 errors that you need to fix:
class, remove all the 4 return instructions you have.print method_name(arguments)
Here is how to fix the errors mentioned above:
# Shapes
def squar(x, y):
result = x * y
return result
def rectangl(x, y):
result = x * y
return result
def circl(r):
result = 3.14 * (r^2)
return result
def triangl(h, b):
result = (h^b * b)/2
return result
s = raw_input("Shapes are square, rectangle, circle or triangle. Pick a shape and I will calculate its area. ")
# Calculating the area
def area(s):
if str(s) == "square":
x = int(raw_input("Height? "))
y = int(raw_input("Width?" ))
print squar(x, y)
elif str(s) == "rectangle":
x = int(raw_input("Height? "))
y = int(raw_input("Width?" ))
print rectangl(x,y)
elif str(s) == "circle":
r = int(raw_input("Radius?" ))
print circl(r)
elif str(s) == "triangle":
h = int(raw_input("Height?" ))
b = int(raw_input("Base Width?" ))
print triangl(h, b)
print "I don't know that one"