I have written a function which currently displays all of the prime numbers under 1000.
I can keep making 1000 bigger to generate more numbers, but I do not know how to make it keep going on forever once run.
func generatePrimes() {
let numbers = 2...1000
for n in numbers {
var prime = true
for i in 2..<n {
if n % i == 0 {
prime = false
if prime == true {
You could use a while
loop with the argument being true
. That way, the loop would never end.
func generatePrimes() {
var n = 2
while true {
var prime = true
for i in 2..<n {
if n % i == 0 {
prime = false
if prime == true {
n += 1
Note that we use a variable (n
) and increment (add 1 to it) on each iteration of the while loop.
If you want it to end when it hits some n
, you can have a conditional that checks against n
and break
's out of the loop:
var n = 2
while true {
if n == 1000 {
n += 1
The above code will stop execution when n
hits 1000
and will not print anything for that case.