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Cannot get Cordova text-to-speech plugin to work

I'm trying various plugins for TTS, including the one at, but cannot get any to work. For this one, for example, according to the docs, its usage should be:

    .speak('hello, world!', function () {
    }, function (reason) {

but I get 'TTS not defined'. Also tried 'navigator.TTS....' but still no good. Also I'm unsure whether I need to include the tts.js in the package; if so I get 'exports not defined'. If anyone is successfully using this plugin, please can you put me in the correct direction? Or if there's an alternative plugin that works, I could use that, but many TTS plugins on GitHub appear unsupported for 3-4 years. BTW other plugins I am using (e.g. geolocation) are working fine


  • Have now solved this. I didn't have <script src="cordova.js"></script> in my index.html. This was also stopping 'onDeviceReady' from firing, which is how I came about solving it. So it seems you need this script included for some plugins but not for others. How confusing. Can I claim back my 50 bonus points for solving it myself? ;)