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How to implement Task.WhenAny() with a predicate

I want to execute several asynchronous tasks concurrently. Each task will run an HTTP request that can either complete successfully or throw an exception. I need to await until the first task completes successfully, or until all the tasks have failed.

How can I implement an overload of the Task.WhenAny method that accepts a predicate, so that I can exclude the non-successfully completed tasks?


  • public static Task<T> GetFirstResult<T>(
        ICollection<Func<CancellationToken, Task<T>>> taskFactories, 
        Predicate<T> predicate) where T : class
        var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource<T>();
        var cts = new CancellationTokenSource();
        int completedCount = 0;
        // in case you have a lot of tasks you might need to throttle them 
        //(e.g. so you don't try to send 99999999 requests at the same time)
        // see:
        foreach (var taskFactory in taskFactories)
            taskFactory(cts.Token).ContinueWith(t => 
                if (t.Exception != null)
                    Console.WriteLine($"Task completed with exception: {t.Exception}");
                else if (predicate(t.Result))
                if (Interlocked.Increment(ref completedCount) == taskFactories.Count)
                    tcs.SetException(new InvalidOperationException("All tasks failed"));
            }, cts.Token);
        return tcs.Task;

    Sample usage:

    using System.Net.Http;
    var client = new HttpClient();
    var response = await GetFirstResult(
        new Func<CancellationToken, Task<HttpResponseMessage>>[] 
            ct => client.GetAsync("", ct),
            ct => client.GetAsync("", ct),
            ct => client.GetAsync("", ct),
            ct => client.GetAsync("", ct),
            ct => client.GetAsync("", ct),
            ct => client.GetAsync("", ct),
            ct => client.GetAsync("", ct),
            ct => client.GetAsync("", ct),
            ct => client.GetAsync("", ct),
            ct => client.GetAsync("", ct),
        rm => rm.IsSuccessStatusCode);
    Console.WriteLine($"Successful response: {response}");