How do I stop this enumeration? I have the following code and Xcode complaining that I cannot assign a value to let constant. Stopping is probably a simple thing but I'm quite the noobie with Swift, so please bear with me.
self.enumerateChildNodesWithName("//*") {
spaceshipNode, stop in
if (("ship") ) != nil) {
for enemyNode in self.children {
if ( == "enemy"){
stop = true // Error: Cannot assign to value: 'stop' is a 'let' constant
Generally you'd better show your code as text. With which we can easily copy & paste, and test it, or edit it.
In your code, the type of stop
should be shown as UnsafeMutablePointer<ObjCBool>
in the Quick Help pane of Xcode.
You need to modify the content of the pointer, in Swift2:
stop.memory = true
In Swift 3, the property memory
is renamed to pointee
stop.pointee = true