I've been working on an iMessage extension using a tutorial from Apple's WWDC videos and encountered an strange error. I started with a blank project, which built an ran just fine. However, I added a file for my MSStickerBrowserViewController
. The code built, but opening the extension in the simulator crashed it. The strange thing is, I never made an instance of the browser. Why would code that's not being executed crash?
Here's the error: dyld: Library not loaded: @rpath/libswiftSwiftOnoneSupport.dylib Referenced from: /Users/alextyshka/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/BF34F16D-3CEF-4C7D-8D9A-D3D4B463F293/data/Containers/Bundle/Application/75E2E14B-E76B-4EC7-9528-7CE38864B55D/BlankMessages.app/PlugIns/MessagesExtension.appex/MessagesExtension Reason: image not found Here's the code triggering the error:
import UIKit
import Messages
class MyStickerBrowserViewController: MSStickerBrowserViewController {
var stickers = [MSSticker]()
func changeBrowserViewBackgroundColor(color: UIColor) {
stickerBrowserView.backgroundColor = color
func loadStickers() {
createSticker(asset: "forest", localizedDescription: "forest sticker")
func createSticker(asset: String, localizedDescription: String) {
guard let stickerPath = Bundle.main().pathForResource(asset, ofType: "png") else {
print("couldn't create the sticker path for", asset)
let stickerURL = URL(fileURLWithPath: stickerPath) //This is the line that seems to be causing the error.
let sticker: MSSticker
do {
try sticker = MSSticker(contentsOfFileURL: stickerURL, localizedDescription: localizedDescription)
} catch {
override func numberOfStickers(in stickerBrowserView: MSStickerBrowserView) -> Int {
override func stickerBrowserView(_ stickerBrowserView: MSStickerBrowserView, stickerAt index: Int) -> MSSticker {
I noticed if I take out line 16, which makes a URL, the error isn't thrown.
Here is the link to the WWDC video I followed. I've double checked to make sure I followed the video exactly
I reinstalled Xcode and it worked. Weird. Thanks for everyone's advice!