I am looking to access table data within a webpage that seems to be harder to reach than other methods I've seen posted. I am concerned that some of the HTML is visible to Watir because if you save the page as an HTML file, the table and its data are not included.
Here's the situation: Google Groups has a member list (when you are viewing the settings as a Group admin). I want to find (or iterate) through the table, looking to match an email address. When that is found, I would select the row (checkbox), which enables the 'Actions' menu. From the actions menu, I would update the Delivery settings to 'No email'.
I've attached a screenshot of the members page as well as a snippet of the HTML.
Please post suggestions/answers specific to Google Groups tables. I've tried 6+ other approaches that work on simpler HTML pages, but not on Google Groups.
Here's a screenshot of the menu I am trying to access. Actions popup menu (img)
Before and after when click on the 'Actions' menu button to get the hovering menu.
<div tabindex="0" role="button" class="IVILX2C-n-a jfk-button-standard IVILX2C-k-c" aria-haspopup="true" aria-controls="gwt-uid-809" aria-expanded="false" aria-disabled="false" data-title="Actions">
<div tabindex="0" role="button" class="IVILX2C-n-a jfk-button-standard IVILX2C-k-c IVILX2C-n-a-selected IVILX2C-n-j" aria-haspopup="true" aria-controls="gwt-uid-809" aria-expanded="true" aria-disabled="false" data-title="Actions" aria-activedescendant="gwt-uid-819">
Note, the "gwt-uid-xxx" value is not consistent between sessions.
Update: These three lines seem to work to click the 'Actions' menu, hover over 'Change delivery settings', and click 'No email'
@driver.element(text: 'Actions').click
@driver.element(text: 'Change delivery setting').hover
@driver.div(class: 'popupContent', index: 1).div.div.div(text: 'No email').click
EDIT: Code below
require 'rubygems'
require 'watir-webdriver'
require 'logger'
require 'csv'
def setup
@driver = Watir::Browser.new :chrome
# set the timeout for implicit waits
@driver.driver.manage.timeouts.implicit_wait = 5
#Create log file
if @logger.nil?
@logger = Logger.new( 'D:/Google Drive/_code/GroupsEmailSetting/ChangeDeliverySetting_log.txt',10)
@logger.level = Logger::DEBUG
@logger.datetime_format = '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S%z'
#admin credentials
@login_user = 'someone@else.com'
@login_pwd = 'pwd!'
def teardown
puts "Enter to close"
a = gets.chomp
def run
run do
@driver.goto "https://accounts.google.com"
element = @driver.text_field(:id => "Email")
@driver.button(:id => "next").click
element = @driver.text_field(:id => "Passwd")
@driver.button(:id => "signIn").click
@logger.info "User logged in: #{@user}"
#TEMP # find users, change email setting
@domain = 'domain.com'
@group = 'watir_table'
@user = 'someone@else.com'
@dsetting = 'No email'
@logger.info("Group & User selected: #{@group + "@" + @domain + " : " + @user}")
@driver.goto "https://groups.google.com/a/domain.com/forum/#!managemembers/#{@group}/members/active"
@logger.info "Group loaded: #{@group}"
browser.span(text: 'someone@else.com').parent.parent.checkbox.click
This is a pretty common pattern and it would be nice if we had a better way to address it. Try something like this:
[email1, email2, email3].each do |email_address|
row = @driver.div(text: email_address).parent.parent
row.div(text: 'All email').parent.parent.checkbox.click
browser.element(text: 'Change delivery setting').hover
browser.element(text: 'No email').click