I have some very simple code that is causing Excel to crash.
I have debugged the variables as can be seen in the code and they look fine except that after only a few seconds Now() does not change and waitTime does not change - although the times are different from each other i.e. the time has not moved forward (for example, Now might be stuck at 3:00:05 and waitTime is stuck at 3:00:09).
And application.wait does not wait the 5 seconds I've asked for.
And the cell font color does not change either.
I do not know how to debug any further than this.
In the worksheet "sheet1" I have the following cell entries - in C8 I have a number that I change manually. In D8 I have
And this works fine. It calls the function with no problem. Here is the macro code:
Dim waitTime As Date, stopTime As Date
Function startFlash(x As String)
stopTime = TimeSerial(Hour(Now()), Minute(Now()) + 2, Second(Now()))
Call sflash
MsgBox "done"
End Function
Sub sflash()
Do While waitTime <= stopTime
With Sheet1.Range("c8").Font
If .ColorIndex = 3 Then
.ColorIndex = 5
.ColorIndex = 3
End If
End With
newHour = Hour(Now())
newMinute = Minute(Now())
newSecond = Second(Now()) + 5
waitTime = TimeSerial(newHour, newMinute, newSecond)
Debug.Print Now(); waitTime; stopTime
Application.Wait waitTime
End Sub
Any suggestions on what code to change to stop Excel from crashing?
Don't rely on time alone if there is any chance of 'walking over' midnight; include the date in your start and stop datetimes.
Option Explicit
Dim waitTime As Date, stopTime As Date
Function startFlash(x As String)
stopTime = Now + TimeSerial(0, 2, 0)
'Debug.Print stopTime
Call sflash
MsgBox "done"
End Function
Sub sflash()
Do While waitTime <= stopTime
With Sheet1.Range("c8").Font
If .ColorIndex = 3 Then
.ColorIndex = 5
.ColorIndex = 3
End If
End With
waitTime = Now + TimeSerial(0, 0, 5)
'Debug.Print Now; waitTime; stopTime
Do While Now < waitTime: DoEvents: Loop
End Sub
Looping through the DoEvents Function until your times meet is a better method.