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Passing an array from a template to a helper function

Using Ember, I'm attempting to pass an array from a template

{{segment-array images 5}}

to a helper function

export function segmentArray([array, itemsPerRow]) {

  /* Logic to create and a return multidimensional array */


I know images is being populated correctly as I can use the {{#each}} helper on it. However, array is being passed in as "<(subclass of Ember.ArrayProxy):ember355>" with no length or content.

How can I pass in, modify, and return an array?


  • The ArrayProxy has length and content, just don't use dot notation but Embers .get():

    Ember.get(array, 'length');

    But if you want to simply loop you can use .forEach:

    array.forEach((item, index) => {

    also you can use the for of loop:

    for (let item of array){