I made a program for coding text strings in Batch. Now, I have to convert the ASCII code to a character. In reality, I have to do the opposite. I divided the chars of the strings and I want to translate it to ASCII. I found a good command to convert ASCII to char:
cmd /c exit 65
echo %=exitcodeAscii%
But, when I run it in a for cycle it stops working. With the for iteration I verify if the ASCII code (the for index) is the same of the character.
@echo off
setlocal enableDelayedExpansion
set char=A
for /L %%a in (32,1,126) do (
cmd /c exit %%a
echo %=exitcodeAscii%
if %=exitcodeAscii% EQU %char% echo %%a
It seems that the command doesn't work. How can I resolve this?
@echo off
setlocal enableDelayedExpansion
set char=A
for /L %%a in (32,1,126) do (
cmd /c exit %%a
echo !=exitcodeAscii!
if "!=exitcodeAscii!" EQU "%char%" echo %%a
Two little changes:
a) using delayed expansion (you already enabled it)
b) qoutes around the if
arguments to prevent syntax errror with empty varaibles (especially here the space for %%a = 32
, which if
can't handle on it's own).