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Why did Apache Archiva never "go anywhere"?

It seems like a free, artifact storage application with a nice GUI for jars, wars, rpms, etc. is really needed given that SVN is a bit old and Artifactory and Nexus (can be) are quite expensive. So I am confused as to why Apache Archiva never really went anywhere? I know the main engineer just released a new version just before the time of this writing and I am grateful for his time and effort. Nonetheless, it seems like this product never really caught on for build and devops teams even though it should have...


  • Well it's hard without more contributors :-(

    Please note the project is now using git

    I'm who you call the main engineer. I was paid few years ago to work on this project but now I do it during my spare time (and I have limited spare time :-( ).

    Why not contributing/helping? :-)